Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Dream Big"

"Dream Big"

November 1, 2010 - New Croton Dam, Croton On Hudson, New York.  One of several new entries for Getty Images, shot with the idea of helping to tell a story.  A couple of weeks prior to this, I called up friend Jeremy Barrett (who is from Croton) to ask him about a specific bridge running through I87 that crossed over the Croton River - I wanted to get to it and if he could show me how, we'd set a day.  He wasn't sure about that one but knew some great spots - this being one - and it blew me away.  As it turned out, on my way out the door to pick Jerm up, I decided he would make for a great model and knowing him, would be fine with it.  I envisioned a traveling beatnik.  He was and this shot turned out to be my favorite in the series - the picture I feel has the single most potential.

Yale Gurney | 2010

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